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Coaching Club: 5 Tips to Get People to Listen

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Coaching Club: 5 Tips to Get People to Listen in Recruitment, EA, and PA Roles

Each week at Coaching Club, we tackle different themes relevant to the recruitment, EA, PA, and London recruitment sectors. From negotiation skills to working with micromanagers and embracing change, our members learn the best ways to manage these situations and come out on top.

Recently, we focused on how to speak so people listen—a crucial skill in administration and recruitment, whether you’re addressing a room full of people or having a one-on-one meeting. We all have moments where we don’t feel heard, and it can be frustrating. But how do you get people to listen without losing your cool?

Why Don’t People Listen?

There are several reasons why people might not listen, and as uncomfortable as it may be, we often need to reflect on how our actions and words contribute to this. Here are seven reasons why people might not be tuning in:

1. You Don’t Listen
Ask yourself, “Do I listen?” Hearing and truly listening are two different things. In the fast-paced world of recruitment, especially within the EA and PA sectors, being an active listener is vital to building trust and rapport.

2. You Gossip a Lot
In professional environments, especially within London recruitment, gossip can erode trust. What begins as a harmless chat can quickly become something that makes others question what you say about them behind their backs.

3. You’re Judgemental
We all form opinions, but in the context of administration and PA roles, it's crucial to manage those judgments professionally. Reflect on your recent conversations—were they constructive, or did personal biases creep in?

4. You're Negative
Negativity can be a conversation killer. While being cautious is okay, too much negativity can make colleagues or clients feel dismissed, especially in roles where positivity is key to driving team morale and productivity.

5. You Confuse Your Opinions with Facts
In the recruitment industry, it's easy to get wrapped up in opinions. However, it's essential to differentiate between personal views and hard facts, especially when advising clients or candidates in the PA or EA markets.


​6. You’re Interrupting Others
Whether it’s out of excitement or to correct a mistake, interrupting can make others feel their ideas aren’t valued. This is particularly important in a sector where communication skills are paramount.

7. You’re Not Confident
Confidence is key in the recruitment and administration fields. If you don’t appear confident in what you’re saying, others might doubt the validity of your ideas or advice.

The HAIL Approach

So how do you get people to listen in the high-stakes world of London recruitment, EA, and PA roles? Enter the HAIL approach:

  • H - Honesty: Be straightforward and honest in your communication.

  • A - Authenticity: Stay true to yourself—authenticity builds stronger relationships.

  • I - Integrity: Show consistency between your words and actions.

  • L - Love: Approach every conversation with positive intentions.

5 Steps to Becoming a Better Communicator

So, we’ve had a look at ourselves and what development points we have, but how do we make it a reality?

1. Active Listening:
Show engagement with eye contact and open body language—this is crucial in building trust, especially in recruitment and administration roles.

2. Encourage Others to Talk:
Use open questions to draw out thoughts and ideas from colleagues or clients.

3. Use Their Name:
Personalise your communication—this simple act can make a big impact.

4. Make Them Feel Important:
Acknowledge others’ contributions; it builds confidence and fosters collaboration.

5. Focus on Similarities:
Build connections by emphasising shared goals and interests.

Join Coaching Club today for weekly coaching sessions on topics like this and more! Sign up todayand get one month free.

To reach out to us for:​

EA/PA, HR and Business Support recruitment –philippa@candcsearch.co.uk

Or for our keynotes, training, workshops, and group coaching –lucy@candcsearch.co.uk

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