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AI vs. Talent: How Stricter Hiring Requirements Could Backfire in Today’s Job Market

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​AI vs. Talent: How Stricter Hiring Requirements Could Backfire in Today’s Job Market

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, powered by advances in technology like AI, hiring practices are facing significant shifts. After a period of reduced qualifications during the post-pandemic hiring surge, companies are now taking the opposite approach by increasing job requirements. But is this move as beneficial as it seems, or could it backfire?

At C&C Search, we’ve observed this trend unfold across industries, particularly in roles such as EAs (Executive Assistants), PAs (Personal Assistants) and administrative professionals. As firms seek to manage the influx of AI-generated CVs, many are raising the bar in terms of qualifications, industry-specific experience and skill sets. But, as many experts are warning, this approach may have unintended consequences, including making it harder to identify the very talent they aim to attract.

Why Are Companies Raising the Bar?

In the immediate aftermath of the pandemic, businesses faced a talent shortage that led to a relaxation of hiring criteria. Companies widened their talent pools by lowering minimum experience levels or even dropping degree requirements. However, with the rise of AI-driven recruitment tools, there has been an increase in application volumes as candidates leverage AI to craft CVs designed to pass automated filters.

According to a recent survey, 74% of leaders and hiring managers have responded by raising qualifications and experience requirements and 59% expect this trend to continue into the future. The reasoning behind this change is straightforward, companies hope stricter standards will help filter out unqualified candidates, leaving them with a pool of highly skilled professionals. This shift is especially prevalent in industries such as private equity, law and finance, where niche expertise is crucial.

However, there is a growing concern that this approach could overlook strong candidates who may not fit the new, more rigid criteria but possess the potential to excel in these roles.

The Role of AI in Job Applications

AI is transforming how businesses recruit talent and while it has increased efficiency, it has also introduced new complexities. As companies raise hiring standards, they may inadvertently make it easier for AI-generated résumés to game the system. Candidates can now use AI tools to tailor their CVs with the exact keywords and qualifications mentioned in job listings, often inflating their qualifications to meet stricter criteria.

This poses a significant challenge for firms using AI-powered applicant tracking systems (ATS). As these systems automatically scan for certain qualifications, they may overlook excellent candidates who do not match every keyword, while favouring those whose CVs are more optimised for the system but may not actually possess the required skills.

The Risk of Losing Top Talent

While it’s understandable that companies want to ensure they are hiring the best, raising the bar too high may limit the talent pool too severely. This can be especially problematic for roles like Executive Assistant or Personal Assistant, where transferable skills and adaptability are often more important than strict industry-specific experience. By focusing too heavily on rigid qualifications, companies may fail to recognise candidates with the potential to grow into these roles and exceed expectations.

For example, an EA with five years of experience in the creative industries might be overlooked for a role in private equity simply because they don’t have the specific industry background, even though their core skills and adaptability could make them a perfect fit for the job.

Additionally, while many firms believe raising qualifications will attract the best candidates, this can lead to longer time-to-hire and increased recruitment costs. Companies may find themselves struggling to fill positions, especially as they try to meet elevated standards in a market where top candidates are in high demand.

Striking a Balance

It’s clear that the current hiring landscape is complex and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. While AI and automated filtering systems can be incredibly helpful, it’s essential to balance technology with human judgement. Instead of strictly raising qualifications, companies should consider adopting a more flexible, skills-based approach to hiring, one that allows for greater focus on potential and adaptability rather than rigid credentials.

At C&C Search, we’ve found that the best hires often come from looking beyond the CV and understanding the person behind it. As roles like EA and PA evolve, hiring managers need to value soft skills, emotional intelligence and a candidate’s ability to learn quickly just as much as they value years of experience in a particular industry.

The Future of Hiring

As businesses navigate this new reality, it’s important to remember that the talent landscape is always changing. While it may be tempting to tighten hiring requirements in response to a surge of applications, companies must avoid the trap of becoming overly selective. Relying too heavily on AI to filter candidates could lead to missed opportunities and a narrower pool of talent.

Going forward, companies that strike the right balance between qualifications, skills and adaptability will be the ones that attract and retain top talent in roles like Executive Assistant, Personal Assistant, and beyond. Flexibility in hiring, alongside a focus on long-term potential, is the key to securing the best talent in an increasingly competitive market.

In the world of recruitment, where change is constant, it’s more important than ever to keep an open mind and at C&C Search, we’re here to help guide you through the process.

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